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Join the Cafe LaTe Community Center


     Would you like to receive email notification of events posted on the Cafe LaTe calendar? Join the Cafe LaTE Community Center mailing list. This mailing list and reminder service is free. Signing up (subscribing) is a simple two step procedure: First, join Yahoo!s Groups service, then sign up for the Cafe LaTe group.
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How do I sign up?
     Just enter your email address into one of the sign up boxes below, and click the [Join] button. When you click the [Join] button, your request for membership is mailed to the eGroup manager for approval. (This step is a precaution designed to protect your privacy by preventing someone else from using your email address to sign up for the group.)

     If you are not already an eGroups/Yahoo!Groups member, you will then be taken to the Yahoo!Groups sign up page. Once you become a Yahoo!eGroups member, you can then join Cafe LaTe (or any of the thousands of other Yahoo!Groups).


     Logging in to Yahoo!eGroups is just like logging in to your email box. Just go to the login page, and enter your Username and Password. (Yahoo!'s English service uses your nickname for a username, but their Japanese service uses your email address as a username.)

     When you log in, a link to the Cafe LaTe eGroup will appear in your MyGroups list (the page you see after logging in to eGroups). Just click the Cafe LaTe link to enter.
無料グループメールならYahoo! eグループ
Subscribe to CafeLaTe
(English menu system)
Powered by Yahoo!
Just enter your email address and click the [Join] button.
Yahoo! Groups

The Cafe LaTe Community Center is more than just a mailing list...

The Cafe LaTE Community Center eGroup offers the following free services:

   The essentials:
  • Calendar, email reminder service
  • Member list, group email, private email
  • Mailing list, message board with threaded discussions
  • Chat room
  • Shared link lists
  • Shared file storage area
  • Opinion surveys
  • Data list creation
eGroup features
   The details:
  • With the Cafe LaTe calendar, you can send announcements to all Cafe LaTe members. Just add your event, and the Cafe LaTE automatic email reminder service will send out your announcement to all members on a date you designate.
  • Cafe LaTe also has a message board. You can use the message board to carry on discussions on various topics with other members. You can choose to read these discussions online, or you can have all messages in the discussions sent to you everyday by email. If you prefer, you can just send mail to the message board address from your regular email account, without ever logging into the Group. You can also send private email messages to any other group member.
  • Cafe LaTe also has its own (English/Romaji only) chat room. Only Cafe LaTE eGroup members can enter the chat room, so you always know who you are chatting with. (If you prefer to chat anonymously, just use our regular Chat Lounge).
  • In the shared Links section of the eGroup you can post links to other home pages which you think would be of interest to other members. Then, other members just click your link to visit that page.
  • The eGroup also comes with 20mb of free file storage space. In the Files section you can upload, lesson plans, class materials, photos, or any other kind of file which you want to share with others. Other members can then copy your files at any time.
  • The Polls section of the eGroup makes it easy to take a survey of the other group members. Use the Polls section to survey the opinions of the other members on any topic you like. (Of course, you are never required to reply to a survey if you choose not to.)
  • Finally, there is even a Database section in the eGroup where you can create data lists such as name and address lists, or lists of email addresses.
     All of these features are easy to use, even for people just getting started with computers.
book Double-click any word on this page to check it in an English-English dictionary.

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Last revision: 2002/03/04, Copyright ゥ© The Three Cities Workshop